Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The Mahoosuc Traverse - Maine/ New Hampshire
The Cranberry 50 - New York
The Pemi Loop - New Hampshire
The Taconic Crest Traverse - New York/ Massachusetts/ Vermont
The Saranac 6 - New York
The Presidential Traverse - New Hampshire
The Great Range Traverse - New York
The Devils Path - New York
Lets keep this simple. We will follow the routes on the Official FKT website! Period! The North East Ultra 8 Sky Runner Patch is based on finishing times while running on decided routes. Stick to the FKT site routes.
We will also follow the FKT site rules for submission of electronic data to prove times and routes!
6 of the 8 routes on the FKT website are straight forward, cant miss routes. The Devils Path and the Pemigewasset Loop are not. They both have multiple over laying routes.
To clarify the Devils Path route is from Prediger road to Spructon Road not including Hunter and South Hunter. No North Dome Sherrill or Platte Clove.
To Clarify the Pemigewasset Loop we will use what the FKT site refers to as the "Basic Loop" which does not include Owls Head Galehead North Twin Hale Zealand or West Bond. Just the plain loop.
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